Gehlot के बयान पर भड़के C P Joshi, कहा ‘आप अपना घर संभालें’, पलटवार कर दे दी हिदायत !
C P Joshi got angry on Gehlot’s statement, said ‘You take care of your house’, retaliated and gave instructions!
C P Joshi got angry on Gehlot’s statement, said ‘You take care of your house’, retaliated and gave instructions!
Gehlot के बयान पर भड़के C P Joshi, कहा ‘आप अपना घर संभालें’, पलटवार कर दे दी हिदायत !
C P Joshi got angry on Gehlot’s statement, said ‘You take care of your house’, retaliated and gave instructions!